Vanajanlinna Hotel & Linna Golf

Vanajanlinna is Finland’s only Country House hotel and is set amidst a beautiful lakeside estate on the southern outskirts of Hämeenlinna. At the heart of the resort is an alluring 1920’s Castle and a championship golf course, Linna Golf, a member of the prestigious PGA European Tour Courses Group. A one hour drive north of Helsinki, the ancient town of Hämeenlinna is a favourite summer getaway with Finns and the gateway to Finland’s famous western lake district.

The historic estate of Vanajanlinna is located in mature pine and birch forest on the shore of Lake Katumajärvi. This expansive property extends outwards from the Vanajanlinna Castle, once the private hunting lodge of the Rosenlews, one of Finland’s wealthiest aristocratic families. Hotel guests are accommodated in the historic Castle, the modern Ratsula Wing, and the Ratsula Houses, In 2007, Linna Golf opened a magnificent new clubhouse, close to the main Castle, and housing 18 luxury Grand and Club golf suites and apartments.

Linna Golf’s renowned championship golf course was designed by Australian architect Tim Lobb and European Golf Design. Linna Golf was specially designed to host top-class professional events and has already hosted  the Finnish Open in 2007 and the European Amateur Championships in 2010. In midsummer, visitors to Linna can enjoy the unique experience of playing midnight golf as the region enjoys sunlight long into the early hours. Combined with the beauty of Finland’s legendary lake district, Linna is a perfect golfing retreat in the land of the midnight sun.

Linna Golf’s course master is Markku Leskinen, who has more than 40 years of experience in managing golf courses. The field team’s award-winning work is backed by unparalleled experience and expertise, as well as uncompromising dedication to taking care of small details in the field and practice areas.

The cutting height of the greens is 1.6 mm and the speed (Stimp) varies from 9 to 11 feet – which is proportional to the greens of the European Tour competitions. The greens are cut “by hand”, ie with push machines, because in this way the end result is a little more complete.

On the fairways in Linna Golf grows a meadow lawn, which, like the A4, is a perennial grass species. The cutting height of the fairways during the game season is approx. 8-10 mm.

With over 200 beds, Hotel Vanajanlinna offers a variety of accommodation options, from atmospheric rooms in the main castle to modern suites in the golf club area.

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