After many years since the origins of the Real Club de Golf de la Coruña, it is difficult to assess how were the first meetings, procedures, contacts and above all great power of permission that had to be had with many people to get to constitute a sports society whose The main purpose was to practice a totally unknown sport in our Galician region and that only, and in a very exclusive way, there were 15 in the Peninsula, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.

Of getting in the vicinity of La Coruña, a land with an approximate extension of 50 Ha. After visiting a series of places where many times the problem was access and other times it was the innumerable number of owners in small plots, it was discovered through an advertisement in the newspaper that in the place of the mountains of La Zapateira protected by the municipalities of La Coruña, Arteixo and Culleredo there was a piece of land owned by Mrs. Carmen Leis that met all the fundamental conditions for the location,Although its only access via an unpaved road from the Alvedro airport area represented a certain limitation, it was certainly salvageable.

The steps, as stated at the beginning, were innumerable, as is always the case in the creation of any type of society, but with the spirit that encouraged those promoters who found great help in those who were registering as members of this possible Club. , the first General Meeting of Members could be held on July 11, 1962, in which the official constitution of the La Coruña Golf Club was realized under the presidency of the Hon. Mr. Pedro Barrie de la Maza, Count of FENOSA, who joined the efforts of all for the definitive establishment of the Club.

The Real Club de Golf de La Coruña Management, aware of the importance of Quality and the Environment in its partners, clients and other interested parties, has decided to carry out quality and environmental management by implementing a Management System that be effective and efficient, thus achieving the benefits of all interested parties, with the commitment by the Management to continuous improvement, environmental protection, legislative compliance and other requirements that the Organization subscribes, as well as adaptation to the changes.

Likewise, the Management considers quality and respect for the environment as two factors that must be present in all the activities carried out, this being the responsibility of each and every one of its employees. That is why quality and environmental respect are promoted, so that the maxim of doing things right the first time is an objective of all the staff of the Real Club de Golf de La Coruña , regardless of the task they perform, becoming a collective task.

The objective of the Quality and Environmental Policy of the Real Club de Golf de La Coruña is to consolidate these principles, always improving services and attention to the requirements of members and other clients within the activities associated with the management of the golf course and maintenance of the game course, taking into account environmental respect at all times. For this reason, the Company’s Management will set periodically and in writing, measurable and predictably achievable improvement objectives, which will serve to define the direction in which the Organization’s efforts should be directed in order to achieve the full satisfaction of our customers. and continuous improvement of environmental performance.

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