Golf Course Velden Wörthersee

As club members, we enjoy the privilege of playing on a golf course which is outstanding in terms of landscape and play and is recognized far beyond our golf club for its excellent course maintenance.

The board, whose primary task lies in the area of ​​the sporting interests of the members, also has the declared goal that all members, but also golf friends from other clubs, feel at home with us.

Our golf course, which is 780 m above sea level, is a playful challenge and a pleasure for every golfer, whether an established player or a beginner. The pleasant temperatures on hot days, but also the breathtaking panoramic view with the Karawanken, the Julian and Carnic Alps in the south and the Ossiacher Tauern and the Gerlitzen Alpe in the north make golf a pleasure, even if it sometimes doesn’t work out with the score will.

Club-internal tournaments, weekly fixed dates for women or seniors, tournament series throughout the year, comparative fights with other clubs up to participation in championships should also serve to ensure that the members are challenged in terms of sport, develop further in terms of sport and are part of a lively club life.

We pay particular attention to the further expansion of successful youth work. In the last two years some of our young talents have made the leap into various youth squads and achieved outstanding results in youth tournament series and championships.

There is a very active senior and ladies’ group who play golf together on fixed weekly dates and who also express this bond in joint golf excursions.

Our declared goal, hand in hand with the management, is also to introduce new members and golf beginners to our golf club and our club life. This takes place in so-called get-together scrambles, which take place several times a year.

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