Argentario Golf Resort


PGA National Italy is hosted by Argentario Golf Club, which hosts some of the most prestigious golf tournaments in Tuscany and Italy. It boasts 18 scenic holes with a total length of 6,218 meters and a par of 71.

In 2019, The PGA (Professional Golfers’ Association) chose Argentario Golf Club as the national headquarters for Italy. Course is the only Italian course licensed as a “PGA National Golf Course Italy.”

The golf course is located in a protected natural area, just 5 minutes from the Duna Feniglia Nature Reserve. The Orbetello Lagoon, the sea, and the slopes of Monte Argentario provide an extraordinarily beautiful backdrop and create a microclimate that allows golf to be played year-round.
The course is certified as “Agri Cert” bio eco-compatible, and all products used for its maintenance are completely natural.

The Club House

The atmosphere of Argentario Golf Club’s Club House evokes the tradition of historic Anglo-Saxon golf clubs, updated with unique and contemporary details.

Candlelight and leather armchairs create an intimate and informal bistro where you can watch the matches from both the terrace and indoor screens.

Here, you will also find the Pro Shop, offering golf equipment, apparel, and sports accessories.

The Club House overlooks the panoramic terrace with a view stretching from the golf course to the Orbetello Lagoon—the perfect nineteenth hole.

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