German Match Play

Golfen in der Stolper Heide-europeangolfsociety

🏌️‍♂️ Dive into the excitement of the German Match Play! 🇩🇪⛳️ From May 9th to May 12th, 2024, Germany hosts this thrilling tournament, welcoming golfers of all ages to compete in the intense Matchplay format. Organized by the German Golf Association, it’s your chance to test your skills against top players and experience the camaraderie of the game. Don’t miss out on this epic event! 🏆 🏌️‍♂️ Dive into the excitement of the German Match Play! 🇩🇪⛳️ From May 9th to May 12th, 2024, Germany hosts this thrilling tournament, welcoming golfers of all ages to compete in the intense Matchplay format. Organized by the German Golf Association, it’s your chance to test your skills against top players and experience the camaraderie of the game.
Don’t miss out on this epic event! 🏆

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