Why called demanding Koepka On Ryder Cup

Brooks Koepka has opened up on the Ryder Cup and his comments on the event will not be music to Steve Stricker’s ears.

The American didn’t hold back and called the match “demanding”, “hectic” and “a bit odd.”

His comments re-enforce the idea that the USA is 12 individuals as opposed to Europe’s united team.

“It’s different. It’s hectic. It’s a bit odd if I’m honest. There’s no time to decompress,” Koepka said in an interview with Golf Digest.

“I don’t want to say it’s a bad week. We’re just so individualised and everybody has their routine and different way of doing things.

“And now, it’s like okay, we have to have a meeting at this time, or go do this, or go do that. It’s the opposite of what happens in a major week.”

The two-time Ryder Cupper says that the Ryder Cup week is mentally draining.

“If I break down a major week, it’s so chill. I go to the course, play nine holes. I go to the gym,” he said.

“Other than that, I’m sitting watching television, taking my mind off the golf.”

“The physical part, I can handle.

“The mental side, you have to be able to turn it off. Sometimes, the power comes from being able to turn it on but I get power from turning it off.”

Related: “I think highly of him” – DeChambeau dismisses Koepka Ryder Cup troubles

He also commented on the team aspect of the match, which he finds difficult as a solo golfer.

“It’s tough,” he said.

“There are times where I’m like, I won my match. I did my job. What do you want from me?

“I know how to take responsibility for the shots I hit every week.

“Now, somebody else hit a bad shot and left me in a bad spot, and I know this hole is a loss.

“That’s new, and you have to change the way you think about things.

“You go from an individual sport every week to a team sport one week a year.

“There are meetings and team building, and you’re whisked away for a lot of things like pictures and all that.

“Under regular conditions, I take naps a lot. I might take an hour, hour-and-a-half nap, or just chill on the couch.

“There’s no time to do that at the Ryder Cup.

“It’s more demanding than I’m used to, and there’s a lot of emotion there, so by Sunday, you’re just dead.”

Related: Stricker – Koepka and DeChambeau rivalry “not going to be an issue”

Despite his lack of enthusiasm for the event, he has a solid record after two appearances.

In 2016, he won two points from three matches and 1.5 from four matches in 2018.

Source: Golf Monthly

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