Kaskada Golf Resort


Kaskáda Golf Academy (KGA) is the largest golf academy in Moravia, offering golf instruction for all age groups.

For instance, a special teaching program is provided for children from a young age. Group and individual courses are offered for adults, both for beginners and for those seeking to improve their swing. Additionally, support is given to teaching golf in physical education classes at selected primary schools in Brno and Kuřim.

The latest technologies, such as video analysis of the golf swing (using the V1 system and the BodiTrak weight transfer pressure sensor), the SuperSpeed program for increasing swing speed, and many other modern tools, are utilized in their instruction.


Quality is always a priority. Collaboration occurs with a team of specialized professional trainers with international education and experience. Prioritizing the top-notch education and continuous development of all team members ensures only the best is offered.

Kaskáda Golf Academy is founded on the internationally recognized top methodology of the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI), which perfectly respects the developmental stages of children and the physical limitations of clients.

Solutions are available for everyone, regardless of age, gender, golf proficiency, occupation, or ambitions.

Where to find them
Kaskáda Golf Academy is located in the beautiful surroundings of the Kaskáda Golf Resort, which features, in addition to 27 holes, a double-sided driving range, three chipping greens, three putting greens, and an outdoor fitness gym.

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